@article{Krzywon2022, author = {Adam Krzywon}, title = {Wolność wypowiedzi w Internecie: O roli medi{\´o}w społecznościowych i pozytywnych obowiązkach państwa}, series = {Państwo i Prawo: miesie̜cznik}, volume = {77}, number = {4 = 914}, publisher = {WoltersKluwer}, address = {Warszawa}, issn = {0031-0980}, pages = {5 -- 26}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Modern online communication processes are characterized by the growing role of private entities (social media) and the emergence of numerous conflicts of a horizontal nature. This paper examines these issues from the standpoint of the ECtHR’s theory of positive obliga-tions. Consequently, it analyses the impact of new technologies on the freedom of expres-sion, the paradigm shift in communication, and the State’s positive obligations to prevent horizontal abuses. The article also analyses the existing and planned legal framework (national and EU). The main argument of this article is that public control over social media should be strengthened. Limiting their discretion to ensure adequate protection of rights and freedoms does not mean, however, the freedom of forum, understood as an unlimited right of access to the platform in order to express opinions.}, language = {und} }