@incollection{Stelkens2022, author = {Stelkens, Ulrich}, title = {Hierarchy of norms, iura novit curia and no need to plea for indirect review of administrative action: The strictly German legal point of view}, booktitle = {Indirect Judicial Review in Administrative Law: Legality vs Legal Certainty in Europe}, editor = {Eliantonio, Mariolina and Dragos, Dacian C.}, isbn = {978-0-367-75857-8 (hbk); 978-0-367-75862-2(pbk); 978-1-003-16430-2 (e-book)}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003164302}, institution = {Lehrstuhl f{\"u}r {\"O}ffentliches Recht, insbesondere deutsches und europ{\"a}isches Verwaltungsrecht (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ulrich Stelkens)}, publisher = {Deutsche Universit{\"a}t f{\"u}r Verwaltungswissenschaften}, pages = {85 -- 116}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The constitutions of the Lander contain similar provisions for the issue of Rechtsverordnun-gen based on Land legal acts. There are only a few rules on the procedure of the adoption of Rechtsverordnungen in the Grundgesetz and the land constitutions. The aim is to enable social groups to settle, under their own responsibility, the matters that concern them. The power to enact Satzungen is, thus, directly linked to the idea of self-government, which ex-plains the importance of Satzungen at local level. The principle of subsidiarity of the constitu-tional complaint as a criterion which may lead to the inadmissibility of a constitutional com-plaint directly challenging a legislative act also has an impact on the interpretation of proce-dural law applicable to regular courts. It has already been said that the BVerfG gives a clear priority to constitutional complaints challenging a judicial decision which leads to an indirect constitutional review of a legal act on which the decision is based via Article 100(1) GG.}, language = {en} }