@article{Botta2022, author = {Botta, Jonas}, title = {Federalism, legal fragmentation and register modernisation: Challenges for the digital transformation of public administration in Germany}, journal = {CERIDAP: Rivista interdisciplinare sul diritto delle amministrazioni pubbliche}, volume = {2022}, number = {Speciale 1: Public Administration facing the challenges of digitalisation}, organization = {Centro di Ricerca Interdisciplinare sul Diritto delle Amministrazioni Pubbliche dell'Universit{\`a} degli Studi di Milano}, issn = {2723-9195}, doi = {10.13130/2723-9195/2022-4-43}, url = {https://ceridap.eu/pdf/estratti/Estratto-10.13130_2723-9195_2022-4-43.pdf}, pages = {109 -- 133}, year = {2022}, abstract = {A digital public administration is crucial for providing citizens (especially in times of crisis) with effective access to administrative services. Political leaders in Germany agreed on this principle during the global COVID-19 pandemic. However, the implementation of the Online Access Act - the main German law on administrative digitalisation - and of the Single Digital Gateway Regulation (EU) 2018/1724 has raised considerable (legal) problems. This article therefore not only looks at the current implementation status of the two pieces of legislation, but in particular identifies three challenges for the digital transformation of public adminis-tration in Germany: federalism, legal fragmentation and register modernisation.}, subject = {Challenges for the digital transformation of public administration in Germany}, language = {en} }