A privacy-preserving reputation system with user rewards
- Reputation systems are useful to assess the trustworthiness of potential transaction partners, but also a potential threat to privacy since rating profiles reveal users’ preferences. Anonymous reputation systems resolve this issue, but make it difficult to assess the trustworthiness of a rating. We introduce a privacy-preserving reputation system that enables anonymous ratings while making sure that only authorized users can issue ratings. In addition, ratings can be endorsed by other users. A user who has received a pre-defined number of endorsements can prove this fact, and be rewarded e.g. by receiving a “Premium member” status. The system is based on advanced cryptographic primitives such as Chaum-Pedersen blind signatures, verifiable secret sharing and oblivious transfer.
Author: | Nuria Busom, Ronald Petrlic, Francesc Sebe, Christoph Sorge, Magda Valls |
Parent Title (English): | Journal of Network and Computer Applications |
Volume: | 80 |
Publisher: | Academic Pr. |
Place of publication: | London |
Document Type: | Article |
Language: | English |
Date of Publication (online): | 2018/03/16 |
Year of first Publication: | 2017 |
Publishing Institution: | Deutsches Forschungsinstitut für öffentliche Verwaltung |
Release Date: | 2018/03/16 |
First Page: | 58 |
Last Page: | 66 |
Documents of the German Research Institute for Public Administration (FÖV): | Sonstige Schriften |
Licence (German): | Urheberrechtlich geschützt |