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- no (19)
Auch in Kanzleien ist die Nutzung elektronischer Kommunikationswege aus dem Alltag nicht wegzudenken. Ihre derzeitige Ausprägung droht jedoch, die Verschwiegenheitspflicht von Anwälten zu gefährden. Zwar existieren sichere Verschlüsselungslösungen seit Jahrzenten; praktisch kommunizieren Anwalt und Mandant jedoch oft unverschlüs-selt via Mail. Der Beitrag analysiert den State of the Art der Mandantenkommunikation aus rechtlicher und technischer Sicht, diskutiert Lösungen und präsentiert ein System zur Ende-zu-Ende-verschlüsselten Kommunikation, das ohne technische Vorkehrungen auf Mandantenseite auskommt.
We present sec-cs, a hash-table-like data structure for contents on untrusted storage that is provably secure and storage-efficient. We achieve authenticity and confidentiality with zero storage overhead using deterministic authenticated encryption. State-of-the-art data deduplication approaches prevent redundant storage of shared parts of different contents irrespective of whether relationships between contents are known a priori.
Instead of just adapting existing approaches, we introduce novel (multi-level) chunking strategies, ML-SC and ML-CDC, which are significantly more storage-efficient than existing approaches in presence of high redundancy.
We prove sec-cs's security, publish an implementation, and present evaluation results indicating suitability for, e.g., future backup systems that should preserve many versions of files on little available storage.
The importance of frequent backups is uncontroversial. Their creation is simpler than ever today thanks to widespread availability of cheap cloud storage. Common backup solutions, however, tend to be either insecure, inflexible or inefficient in typical backup scenarios.
In this paper, we present triviback, a lightweight and almost trivial, yet powerful solution for outsourcing backups to untrusted cloud storage. Based on recent research results on secure data deduplication, triviback combines strong confidentiality, authenticity and availability guarantees with flexibility and efficiency in terms of low storage and communication costs: Triviback supports efficient preservation of many backup states with storage costs comparable to state-of-the-art version control systems-while supporting full storage reclamation on deletion of arbitrary backup states.
We discuss its security, publish an implementation and perform an extensive evaluation of storage and communication costs.
Technologies for the IoT have reached a high level of maturity, and a largescale deployment will soon be possible. For the IoT to become an economic success, easy access to all kinds of real-world information must be enabled. Assuming that not all services will be available for free, an IoT infrastructure should support access control, accounting, and billing. We analyze available access control and payment schemes for their potential as payment schemes in the IoT. In addition to security and privacy, we discuss suitability for direct client to sensor communication and efficiency.
We show shortcomings of existing protocols that need to be addressed by future research.
Dieses Lehrbuch behandelt schwerpunktmäßig technische Maßnahmen, die den Schutz personenbezogener Daten sicherstellen. Dazu werden grundlegende Verfahren der Anonymisierung und der Gewährleistung von Anonymität im Internet (z. B. Tor) vorgestellt. Das Buch gibt einen Überblick über gängige Verfahren des Identitätsmanagements (z. B. OpenID Connect) und die in elektronischen Ausweisdokumenten (z. B. im Personalausweis) verwendeten Sicherheitsmaßnahmen. Die Datenschutz-Garantien der vermittelten Ansätze werden im Detail behandelt. Im Bereich des World Wide Web erfährt der Leser, wo die Probleme aus Sicht des Datenschutzes liegen und wie diese Lücken geschlossen werden können. Anonyme Bezahlverfahren und eine Untersuchung von Bitcoin runden den technischen Teil des Buches ab. Der Leser lernt Ansätze aus der Praxis kennen, um so je nach Anforderungen in der Systementwicklung das passende Verfahren auswählen zu können.
Daneben werden die Grundlagen des Datenschutzrechts behandelt, weil das Recht auch Anforderungen an technische Lösungen stellt. Betrachtet werden das informationelle Selbstbestimmungsrecht, die Grundzüge des Bundesdatenschutzgesetzes sowie die Datenschutzbestimmungen des Telemediengesetzes. Beispielhaft werden datenschutzrechtliche Fälle bearbeitet.
With Home Automation Systems steadily gaining popularity and affordability, the threat of attacks on these installations is increasing.
Previous research has shown that passive adversaries can obtain considerable amounts of information about the users' habits and about how they interact with their system. Although encryption and other measures to ensure condentiality in communication are becoming a standard, traffic analysis remains an unsolved problem. In this paper, we take a look at different research areas and show that existing solutions cannot be easily applied to this scenario. However, we establish a model for traffic analysis in Home Automation Systems which leverages existing research on Private Information Retrieval. Using this model, both attacks and countermeasures can be analysed and their effectiveness can be measured to yield comparable results. We also take a look at legal aspects, highlighting problem areas and recent developments in the interaction between technology such as Home Automation and legislature.
Reputation systems are useful to assess the trustworthiness of potential transaction partners, but also a potential threat to privacy since rating profiles reveal users’ preferences. Anonymous reputation systems resolve this issue, but make it difficult to assess the trustworthiness of a rating. We introduce a privacy-preserving reputation system that enables anonymous ratings while making sure that only authorized users can issue ratings. In addition, ratings can be endorsed by other users. A user who has received a pre-defined number of endorsements can prove this fact, and be rewarded e.g. by receiving a “Premium member” status. The system is based on advanced cryptographic primitives such as Chaum-Pedersen blind signatures, verifiable secret sharing and oblivious transfer.